What is the unit of measure for hope?
A nanogasp?
A nanogasp of hope to fuel one day.
A milliblink for one life.
If such a thing could be quantified,
no doubt a single centisigh of hope would power cities.
A megadream of hope to make a planet.
A terafaith of it to expand the universe.
No wonder 96% of the universe is missing.
It is not the matter that is dark*;
only that we are all trying
to find that quantifiable atom—
we are all trying to hope in darkness.
*Footnote: According to cosmologists as explained in Thirteen Things That Don’t Make Sense by Michael Brooks, “Almost all of the universe is missing; 96% to put a number on it. The stars we see at the edges of distant galaxies seem to be moving under the guidance of invisible hands that hold the stars in place and stop them from flying off into empty space. According to our best calculations, the substance of those invisible, guiding hands, known as dark matter, is nearly a quarter of the total quantity of mass in the cosmos.”